Bring some watercolors if you have some. I have a bunch and will bring them.
Bring a poem to share with everybody and bring your creative thinking cap so we can make up some of our own. :)
(I don't know how to stick this in the Vanguard Jr. spot)
In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
CORE inspirements are up!
Hi everyone!
The CORE inspirements are up for January! See the link on the side:...
I didn't include Latin for now, as we are still figuring out if we should start mid-year or just wait until next year.
The other texts if you want to order them on your own are:
-"Just Like Jesus" by Max Lucado
-"Way to Be" by Gordon B. Hinckley (I picked up two copies at the DI for $1.50 each if anyone wants to buy them from me.)
The upcoming books that we will be reading are:
-The Last Battle, by C.S. Lewis (January)
-A Long Walk to Water (February) Master: choose between "Dragon Doom," "Ender's Game," "The Lost Prince" by Burnett.
-Star Girl by Spinelli (March) LEADERSHIP: J-Man "The Veldt" (Short story) "Lord of the Flies" (Master)
-Charlie's Monument (April); LEADERSHIP: J-Man "Jack-Rabbit Factor" or Master "The Choice"
Some of these might be a journeyman book for leadership, but I will hopefully have that all finalized as I finish reading the potential books over the next two weeks. The one for January is official.
They all have at least 8 copies at the library or are online. If you want to pick them up on your own, you are welcome to :).
The CORE inspirements are up for January! See the link on the side:...
I didn't include Latin for now, as we are still figuring out if we should start mid-year or just wait until next year.
The other texts if you want to order them on your own are:
-"Just Like Jesus" by Max Lucado
-"Way to Be" by Gordon B. Hinckley (I picked up two copies at the DI for $1.50 each if anyone wants to buy them from me.)
The upcoming books that we will be reading are:
-The Last Battle, by C.S. Lewis (January)
-A Long Walk to Water (February) Master: choose between "Dragon Doom," "Ender's Game," "The Lost Prince" by Burnett.
-Star Girl by Spinelli (March) LEADERSHIP: J-Man "The Veldt" (Short story) "Lord of the Flies" (Master)
-Charlie's Monument (April); LEADERSHIP: J-Man "Jack-Rabbit Factor" or Master "The Choice"
Some of these might be a journeyman book for leadership, but I will hopefully have that all finalized as I finish reading the potential books over the next two weeks. The one for January is official.
They all have at least 8 copies at the library or are online. If you want to pick them up on your own, you are welcome to :).
Monday, November 11, 2013
First of all, I would like to encourage everyone to watch the short video clip:
It was a great introduction to the discussion we had about how we need to reassess the path we chose to take and that sometimes taking a wrong road is important to understanding why and having confidence that another path is the correct one.
I. The parents and the youth who attended discussed the change in the material that would covered in Core, Journeyman, and Master classes. The discussion centered on moving the material that was currently being done in Master Class will become the new Core class each. Mary mentioned that the it would be simpler, more principle centered, which is what Core class should be. Mary will teach the Core classes. The lens mentors will be teaching the Journeyman and Master Level classes.
Concerns that were discussed:
1) Need for more books: The only new books that would be needed would be Way to Be by Gordon B. Hinckley (which can be purchased used at the D.I.) and Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado (Can be found for $8-$10 at Amazon). The Da Vinci readings will be scanned into the computer and shared on-line. There was discussion about including a 15 minute Latin lesson in each class. If we go ahead with this, the book for it will need to be purchased. (Getting Started with Latin: Beginning Latin for Homeschoolers and Self-Taught Students by William E. Linney. We would begin at the beginning of the book. It is super easy with only one word per lesson, and it is a lot like Saxon Math where they review previous lessons with the current lesson.)
2) A water downed class: We will just need to assess how easy/hard the work is as we go along. Right now, all of the youth have been doing Journeyman Level work. This may be a good way to encourage our youth to attend Journeyman/Master classes.
By unanimous vote from those who came, it was decided that we would change to this path for Core Class.
II. In terms of meeting dates and times, it was decided by those who attended that for the remainder of the year Core and Journeyman classes will stay on Wednesday at Westminster Church in Fruit Heights, and Master class will beheld Fridays at the Lens mentors' home or Biesinger's home. It will be posted on the calendar where classes will be held. However, times for the classes did change in order to meet the needs of the families involved and to reflect the changes in the course of study.
Core class Wednesday 10AM -12:30 PM
Journeyman class Wednesday 1-3:30 PM
Master class Friday 9:45-11:45
III. Junior Vanguard Mentors asked that you make every effort to be there on your assigned day to help with Junior Vanguard. If you cannot be there, please find a substitute. All the parents of Vanguard students will have a turn helping with the younger kids. Please contact the Junior Vanguard Mentors to find out when your assigned day is.
IV. Calendar of Events:
Nov 13 Family Social Committee Meeting after Eureka Core class
December 11 Leadership Academy Journeyman Activity, 10-2 (For all those who participated in Nov. Leadership Academy Journeyman class)
December 20 - Vanguard Christmas Service3:30 at Legacy Village of Layton
1205 N. Fairfield Rd.
We will be handing out a small Christmas gift to the residents and perform Christmas music and a pageant.
1205 N. Fairfield Rd.
We will be handing out a small Christmas gift to the residents and perform Christmas music and a pageant.
Dec 28 Family Social Brunch, 10 AM-12 PM
January 11, 2014 Parent Mentor Meeting at the Biesinger’s home, 8 AM
Outdoor Activity after Mentor Meeting
January 17 Game/Movie Night
January 18 Bountiful Temple Trip, 7 AM
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
October Mentor Meeting
I. Mentor Training
1) We discussed how the most important preparation we can do as mentors is our own personal preparation.
2) We also discussed about being open to inspiration as a mentor, really listening to the youth and answering their needs, and prayerfully seeking how to give them the attention they need...even if we don't get to everything that we, as mentors, wanted to prepare. We should always make time for sharing inspirements.
II. Calendar of Upcoming Events
25 10-12 Master Class for Week 1 at Johnsons
6 PM Temple Trip to SLC Temple, meet at Biesinger’s home to carpool
26 8:30 AM Breakfast and Planning Meeting for Temple/Service Committee at Tindall’s home
30 Week 1-Leadership Academy CORE and Journeyman
1 10-12 Master Class for Week 2 at Johnson’s
6 Week 2-Geo-conquest CORE and Journeyman
8 10-12 Master Class for Week 3 at Johnson’s
Activity Night (TBA)
9 Parent Mentor meeting at Biesinger's
13 Week 3-Eureka CORE and Journeyman
15 10-12 Master Class for Week 4 at Johnson’s
16 8 AM Temple Trip to Bountiful Temple
20 Week 4-Imaginative Arts CORE and Journeyman
During the month of December, there will be no classes held, however there may be a family social/service activity.
III. Start, stop, and continue
1) start, stop and continue feedback in class; let the kids submit feedback anonymously about how they thought the day went.
2) being open to inspiration as a mentor, really listening to the youth and answering their needs, and prayerfully seeking how to give them the attention they need...even if we don't get to everything that we, as mentors, wanted to prepare. We should always make time for sharing inspirements.
3) report on the success of dividing up into smaller discussion groups to share inspirements to help with the time factor, and also ease the discomfort of presenting and sharing of the quieter ones in class.
4) reconfiguring the desks and mentor position so that students aren't too far away from the mentor
5) having a discussion with the youth about "discernment"
6) having a discussion with the youth about the problem of using electronic devices as a distraction (not a learning tool...we want that :)!), and allowing them to help come up with solutions to the problem
7) stay on time table, with the priority on making sure the youth get time to share their inspirements
8) use scriptures in the "know" section or in memorization
9) make sure the work that is expected for them to do is clear, consistent with the format of "Know, Understand, and Intelligence" and that the expectations are clearly set-forth. We expect them to do everything we ask them to do, and then give them the opportunity in class to share what they have done. If we have asked them to do it, there should be some opportunity to display what they have done. Of course, if they don't get to everything for CORE done, despite their best efforts, we still want them to come to CORE class, but will encourage them to succeed the next time :). I am happy to help mentor them to give them planning tips to get everything in that they are working toward, and the other mentors and I would love to answer any questions people might have about inspirements.
10) youth can create their own inspirements, but we ask that they check with the mentor of that class, or at least let them know.
11) make sure inspirements are posted in a timely manner and are not changed several days before class --getting the inspirments significantly ahead of time, but the newsletter should take care of that.
12) Use the youth to lead out and plan activities: E.D.G.E. Method (check out this is a great way to look at it!)
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Follow-up on Joan and her voices by Tracy Ressa
Here is some interesting information from Tracy Ressa...thanks, Tracy!
Who were Joan's "Voices?"
herself stated at her trial that an angel she later learned was the
Archangel Michael first visited her when she was thirteen on a summer
day in her father's garden. Joan went on to explain how the Archangel
Michael instructed her to "be good and go habitually to church." The
Archangel Michael also gave her instructions as to her mission:
Voice told me, two or three times a week,
that I, Joan, must go away and that I must go into France. Joan
responded to the Archangel Michael with a certain astonishment later
saying at her trial: "I answered that I was just a poor girl who knew
nothing about riding or leading in war." The Archangel reassured Joan
that other Voices would come to help and counsel her: "Saint Michael,
when he came to me, told me that Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret
would come to me and that I should act by their advice, that they were
bidden to lead me in what I had to do and that I should believe in what
they would say to me and that it was by God's order."
we look at who these
saints were and what strong defenders of the faith they were, we nod
our heads and think how appropriate that these are her counselors:
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael is one of the principle angels;
his name was the war cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against the enemy and his followers. (See Daniel 10:13, Daniel 12, Rev 12:7)
St. Catherine of Alexandria
of Alexandria is said to have been born the daughter of Cestus,
wealthy man of Alexandria in Egypt. She was noted for her wealth,
intelligence, and beauty. She is said to have learned philosophy,
languages, science (natural philosophy), and medicine. She refused to
marry, not finding any man who was her equal.
is said to have challenged the emperor (Maximinus or Maximian or his
son Maxentius are variously thought to be the anti-Christian emperor in
question) when she was eighteen years old. The emperor brought in some
50 philosophers to dispute her Christian ideas -- but she convinced them
all to convert, at which point the emperor burned them all to death.
She then is said to have converted others, even the empress.
infuriated the emperor and she was tortured on a spiked wheel, which
miraculously fell apart and the parts killed some who were watching the
torture. Finally, the emperor had her beheaded.
about the 8th or 9th century, a story became popular that after she
died, St. Catherine's body was carried by angels to Mount Sinai, and
that the monastery there was built in honor of this event.
St. Margaret of Antioch
Margaret was a virgin and martyr from Antioch, where her father was a pagan priest. Having embraced Christianity and consecrated her virginity to God, she was disowned by her father and adopted by her nurse. (Her mother died shortly after Margaret’s
One day while she was watching sheep, a Roman prefect named Olybrius caught
sight of her, and, attracted by her great beauty sought to make her
his concubine or wife. When nothing could succeed in moving her to yield
to his desires, he had her brought before him in a public trial
at Antioch. Threatened with death unless she renounced the Christian
faith, the holy virgin refused to adore the gods of the empire and an
attempt was made to burn her, but the flames, we are told in her Acts,
left her unhurt. She was then bound hand and foot and
thrown into a cauldron of boiling water. Miraculously, at
her prayer, her bonds were broken and she stood up uninjured. Finally
the prefect ordered her to be beheaded.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Vanguard Jr. Planning meeting
Dear Moms,
A meeting for all moms to discuss Vanguard Jr. will be held Friday, September 20, during the master class time, which I think is 9:00 am, correct me someone if this is wrong. We will meet at Harvey Park (910 Mountain Rd. Fruit Heights 84037) which is very near Westminster Presbyterian Church (796 Mountain Rd. Kaysville 84037) where master class is held and where we hope to move Vanguard to.
We'll be discussing how Vanguard Jr. will be organized and run each week, the blog, we'll make assignments for weekly class mentors, and snack rotation.
According to the bylaws every mom is to take a turn helping with this younger group, even those who only have Vanguard youth. (This was recently explained to me.) So I am happy to get the opportunity to work with everyone. We have a wonderful group of younger children who are eager to learn and by everyone pitching in we can have a great program for them.
The park is behind the city hall and has a small playground if it's necessary to bring your children.
Please try to make it if you can. It will really be best to have everyone meet together so we can have a great program for our children. After this initial meeting we hope to be able to take care of Vanguard during the monthly parent meeting, 2nd Saturday morning at 8 each month.
A meeting for all moms to discuss Vanguard Jr. will be held Friday, September 20, during the master class time, which I think is 9:00 am, correct me someone if this is wrong. We will meet at Harvey Park (910 Mountain Rd. Fruit Heights 84037) which is very near Westminster Presbyterian Church (796 Mountain Rd. Kaysville 84037) where master class is held and where we hope to move Vanguard to.
We'll be discussing how Vanguard Jr. will be organized and run each week, the blog, we'll make assignments for weekly class mentors, and snack rotation.
According to the bylaws every mom is to take a turn helping with this younger group, even those who only have Vanguard youth. (This was recently explained to me.) So I am happy to get the opportunity to work with everyone. We have a wonderful group of younger children who are eager to learn and by everyone pitching in we can have a great program for them.
The park is behind the city hall and has a small playground if it's necessary to bring your children.
Please try to make it if you can. It will really be best to have everyone meet together so we can have a great program for our children. After this initial meeting we hope to be able to take care of Vanguard during the monthly parent meeting, 2nd Saturday morning at 8 each month.
Outdoor Adventure- Patsy's Mine, September 28th @9:00 am
-Meet at the Farmington Ponds 750 N. 75 W. (North on 100 E , then take turnoff on left, continue straight to the parking lot) Map
-Wear pants as we might take an old, overgrown trail to see some fun historical artifacts and bring good hiking shoes, water and a flashlight/headlamp
-The hike is 2-3 miles round trip, plan on about 3 hours
-Optional items: pickax, Geiger counter, canary
-Meet at the Farmington Ponds 750 N. 75 W. (North on 100 E , then take turnoff on left, continue straight to the parking lot) Map
-Wear pants as we might take an old, overgrown trail to see some fun historical artifacts and bring good hiking shoes, water and a flashlight/headlamp
-The hike is 2-3 miles round trip, plan on about 3 hours
-Optional items: pickax, Geiger counter, canary
Saturday, September 14, 2013
September Mentor Meeting
This was kind of a big meeting, as it was our first one, so please read through carefully as we tried to solve different concerns and problems that have come up, as well as celebrate all the awesome things that we are doing right :)!
Opening Song: "Abide with Me" pg 166 -God will be with us, even when we feel alone or inadequate
Opening Prayer
4 pm today: Outdoor committee plannning meeting
5-7 Family Opening Social
7-8:30 Dance practice
Temple Trips will be on Saturday mornings now or Friday evenings: the Tindalls will call the temple to schedul those and let us know which one we will have which month
Family Pioneer Trek for all Vanguard Groups: May 22-24th RSVP and more information to come
1. Discussion of yahoo group, pros and cons: for now, if we can just have people add to the monthly calendar on the blog site in the reply or in the post itself to keep it updated, people can check on that weekly; still awaiting further idea solution to problems of yahoos groups. For now, please email Lisa if you need direct emails if you are not on the k2vanguard yahoo group, so we can know who to include directly.
Martina requested that we snip the posts when we reply(delete the extra info "below" emails in each email that is attached and unnecessary).
2. Blogs:
-We would like to have the info from emails updated to the blog asap; is there a mom who could take ownership of this? Everytime you see anything calendar related take the time to update the "monthly calendar post"
-We will have a link on the blog to the Student Accountability Reports for students to print up with their parents. (It's there now.) Please take the time each week to help your youth print out a form so they can set weekly goals. Even if they don't get them all done or even down, the act of writing down things is powerful!!!! Be an encouraging force in their lives, supporting and loving them through this process of accountability and preparation for class.
-There was a request that we change the font on the Leadership Academy blog to make it more readable. Will do :)!
-There were also a few requests on the way the mentors post inspirements:
#1 to have the format consistent for all the blogs:
#2 include features like Karianne has on her blogs with the dramatic bolding and organization of what the youth need to do
#3 clearer lists of what the youth need to do each have them all together in one section. I would like to have us all use the following format.
sample inspirements page
(On the blogs, you can include the links where you feel are appropriate.)
This leads me to the next item of business:
3. Newsletter
We decided to have a newsletter similar in format to the following two examples:
Example #1--everything but columns
Example #2 Simpler, with Master inspirement included
The link to it would be sent out and it would be included on the blog. The mentors for the class will need to have their inspirements for October to me asap so we can get going on that :). We need someone who loves doing formats like this to take the information the mentors give them and compile it into a newsletter. The secretary would be in charge of getting the information together, and the Vanguard History adult mentor would supervise the formating and publishing of it (see below). We would like to see youth participate in creating this newsletter if they are interested in doing so. (Miriam? Sherrie Hatch?)
Youth Presidency feedback:
#1-With the large tomes, it is hard for the youth to utilize it in such a small space.
Solution: We decided and voted to move Wednesday Vanguard to the Presbyterian Church on Mountain Road in Fruit Heights as soon as they would let us. We will be holding all classes up there on Wednesdays. If you have any concerns, please let me know. For many reasons, we felt that the benefits of moving to a larger location with our larger group offset the benefits of having a home environment. The church is very nice, and was available earlier in the year, and hopefully will be available now.
There will be a monthly fee, payable per semester, per person in the building, including litttle kids. We will organize it into a semester fee per family, payable to Lisa a couple weeks after we make the move. I hope we can get in as early as this next week. In the past it has been $1-2 per person per month, including, again, the littles..
#2 The youth would learn better in the last hour if they have had the chance to get up and move around doing activities or other such things mid-way in class...allowing the blood to circulate, the minds to have a little break, etc.
Solution: Adult mentors, please be mindful of this while planning your days, to allow for this concern.
1. Adult Mentor Positions: See tab at top titled "Parent Mentor List" for the complete list I have to date. If you are still interested in helping in a particular lens, please contact that lens mentor or committee leader that you are interested in. Many of you selected many areas you could help...thank you! I am continually grateful that God sent me so many wonderful parents and youth to work with!
Please feel free to offer your experience and ideas to an area, even if you are already doing something else, or especially if you feel you are not really helping enough for your own liking yet. Thanks!
We still need help in the following areas:
a) the Vanguard History Adult Mentor, although we had a suggestion of Sherrie Hatch for that....Sherrie?
c) Fundraising adult mentor: can organize a youth committee to help up with this
3. " Teaching moment"
-Please check out the following links
Please peruse the side tabs on the left to remind us why we teach the way we do: to first teach them knowledge, then encourage them to ponder and understand it, then do become intelligent in it by doing something to act on it, to set goals to improve in a God-inspired way in that area of their lives.
2 min video about how to encourage "acting" or setting goals
This video contains some ideas of how to do the above.
It has been amazing what we have accomplished and got in motion these first 6 weeks of knowing each other! Thanks for your ongoing patience and willingness to give feedback and make things work. I love these youth and am so grateful that they came with such amazing parents :).
Opening Song: "Abide with Me" pg 166 -God will be with us, even when we feel alone or inadequate
Opening Prayer
4 pm today: Outdoor committee plannning meeting
5-7 Family Opening Social
7-8:30 Dance practice
Temple Trips will be on Saturday mornings now or Friday evenings: the Tindalls will call the temple to schedul those and let us know which one we will have which month
Family Pioneer Trek for all Vanguard Groups: May 22-24th RSVP and more information to come
1. Discussion of yahoo group, pros and cons: for now, if we can just have people add to the monthly calendar on the blog site in the reply or in the post itself to keep it updated, people can check on that weekly; still awaiting further idea solution to problems of yahoos groups. For now, please email Lisa if you need direct emails if you are not on the k2vanguard yahoo group, so we can know who to include directly.
Martina requested that we snip the posts when we reply(delete the extra info "below" emails in each email that is attached and unnecessary).
2. Blogs:
-We would like to have the info from emails updated to the blog asap; is there a mom who could take ownership of this? Everytime you see anything calendar related take the time to update the "monthly calendar post"
-We will have a link on the blog to the Student Accountability Reports for students to print up with their parents. (It's there now.) Please take the time each week to help your youth print out a form so they can set weekly goals. Even if they don't get them all done or even down, the act of writing down things is powerful!!!! Be an encouraging force in their lives, supporting and loving them through this process of accountability and preparation for class.
-There was a request that we change the font on the Leadership Academy blog to make it more readable. Will do :)!
-There were also a few requests on the way the mentors post inspirements:
#1 to have the format consistent for all the blogs:
#2 include features like Karianne has on her blogs with the dramatic bolding and organization of what the youth need to do
#3 clearer lists of what the youth need to do each have them all together in one section. I would like to have us all use the following format.
sample inspirements page
(On the blogs, you can include the links where you feel are appropriate.)
This leads me to the next item of business:
3. Newsletter
We decided to have a newsletter similar in format to the following two examples:
Example #1--everything but columns
Example #2 Simpler, with Master inspirement included
The link to it would be sent out and it would be included on the blog. The mentors for the class will need to have their inspirements for October to me asap so we can get going on that :). We need someone who loves doing formats like this to take the information the mentors give them and compile it into a newsletter. The secretary would be in charge of getting the information together, and the Vanguard History adult mentor would supervise the formating and publishing of it (see below). We would like to see youth participate in creating this newsletter if they are interested in doing so. (Miriam? Sherrie Hatch?)
Youth Presidency feedback:
#1-With the large tomes, it is hard for the youth to utilize it in such a small space.
Solution: We decided and voted to move Wednesday Vanguard to the Presbyterian Church on Mountain Road in Fruit Heights as soon as they would let us. We will be holding all classes up there on Wednesdays. If you have any concerns, please let me know. For many reasons, we felt that the benefits of moving to a larger location with our larger group offset the benefits of having a home environment. The church is very nice, and was available earlier in the year, and hopefully will be available now.
There will be a monthly fee, payable per semester, per person in the building, including litttle kids. We will organize it into a semester fee per family, payable to Lisa a couple weeks after we make the move. I hope we can get in as early as this next week. In the past it has been $1-2 per person per month, including, again, the littles..
#2 The youth would learn better in the last hour if they have had the chance to get up and move around doing activities or other such things mid-way in class...allowing the blood to circulate, the minds to have a little break, etc.
Solution: Adult mentors, please be mindful of this while planning your days, to allow for this concern.
1. Adult Mentor Positions: See tab at top titled "Parent Mentor List" for the complete list I have to date. If you are still interested in helping in a particular lens, please contact that lens mentor or committee leader that you are interested in. Many of you selected many areas you could help...thank you! I am continually grateful that God sent me so many wonderful parents and youth to work with!
Please feel free to offer your experience and ideas to an area, even if you are already doing something else, or especially if you feel you are not really helping enough for your own liking yet. Thanks!
We still need help in the following areas:
a) the Vanguard History Adult Mentor, although we had a suggestion of Sherrie Hatch for that....Sherrie?
b) the Littles supervisor (Elizabeth is coordinating this so contact her if you are interested)-Vanguard History Adult Mentor: Guides and helps youth with collecting pictures throughout the year; and putting together the monthly Vanguard Newspaper, the end of the year slide show, and a yearbook (if they choose to have one).
c) Fundraising adult mentor: can organize a youth committee to help up with this
organizes 2-3 fundraisers, at least one personal (for individual needs for expenses like outdoor activities, tuition, or books) and one group one (like car wash or yard sale, when all the funds go toward Vanguard cost) Everyone is expected to contribute to the group ones.2. Sibling Mentor Care: After a couple of weeks, trying to figure out what we are doing, we will need to go back to the bylaws for sibling care:
We will have a group for parent who are participating in the rotation (except for the weeks they are mentoring in upstairs Vanguard), called Vanguard Jr. for approximately 8-11 years old mentored by Brenda Black. Elizabeth Tindall will be organizing the watch for the younger kids who are there for the week the mentors are mentoring. If you are specifically mentoring that week, then you may leave your kids with the littler group. Everyone, even if you do not have younger children, will be expected to help with the babysitting of the younger group, as per the bylaws. Please email me if you have any questions.Section 5. Sibling Care:Should it be necessary, all parents of Vanguard youth (with the exception of thehead and class mentors) must help supervise/teach the children of those mentoring the classes.The secretary may set up a rotation for the year. If the parent is unable to complete theirassignment, they will be expected to take care of alternate arrangements.
3. " Teaching moment"
-Please check out the following links
Please peruse the side tabs on the left to remind us why we teach the way we do: to first teach them knowledge, then encourage them to ponder and understand it, then do become intelligent in it by doing something to act on it, to set goals to improve in a God-inspired way in that area of their lives.
2 min video about how to encourage "acting" or setting goals
This video contains some ideas of how to do the above.
It has been amazing what we have accomplished and got in motion these first 6 weeks of knowing each other! Thanks for your ongoing patience and willingness to give feedback and make things work. I love these youth and am so grateful that they came with such amazing parents :).
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Master Class field trip for Week 3 Eureka on Friday the 13th!
Hi Master Class Students!
We will be going to the Leonardo Museum this Friday right after Choir/Theater. For those who are not participating in Choir and Theater, youth need to be dropped off at 4:00 at the Presbyterian church located at..796 South Mountain Rd. Fruit Heights,.. We will be home between 8:00 and 9:00 pm. Parents can pick students up at the Johnson's home.
This field trip costs 5.00 per
person. We also thought it might be fun to get pizza from Little
Ceasars on our way--so you don't have to pack two sack lunches that day
:) If you want to join us for pizza please bring $7.00 (total) You do not have to join us for pizza, just an option :)
I am excited to go to the museum with all of you!
Make sure all your master, journeyman and apprentice work is complete to
Sister J
Vanguard Family Social Food Assignments!!!!
Hello all, sorry for my tardiness....We are excited for the Vanguard Family Social this coming Saturday from 5-7pm @ Barnes Park in Kaysville. Below are the food assignments. Please pick what works for your family and then call, text or email me with your choice(s). ( you can leave a comment too, and I will update those items already picked as soon as I get them!) Thanks again!
K2 Vanguard Family Social Baked Potato Bar Food Assignments
K2 Vanguard Family Social Baked Potato Bar Food Assignments
Each family please pick a
crock of chili or 2(two) of any other of the items. If you have been
blessed with a large family, maybe picking 3-4 items would be helpful!
Pick One
Large Crockpot of chili Gilbert
Large Crockpot of chili Biesigners
Or pick any
Bake 30 potatoes (wash, wrap in foil)Besingers
Bake 30 potatoes (wash, wrap in foil) Tindall
1 lb of butter and 16-24
oz container Sour Cream Jones
1 lb of butter and 16-24
oz container Sour CreamBlack
1 lb of butter and 16-24
oz container Sour Cream Biesingers
4 c. grated cheese and salt
and pepper Gilbert
4 c. grated cheese and salt and pepper Tindall
2 lbs bacon,
cooked and crumbled or bag of cooked from like costcos? Muir/Tarrant
8 c. Steamed broccoli, chopped Gilbert
2c. ham, diced and chopped green onions Tindall
Green Salad (to serve 15-20) Tindall
fruit or jello type salad Brower
fruit or jello type salad Brower
Pasta salad (to serve 15-20) Moore
Ranch dressing and 2 dozen Rolls Brower
1 lg Salsa, mild (homemade or jar) and 2 dozen rolls Black
Veggie tray Muir/Tarrant
Veggie tray Muir/Tarrant
2-3 dozen cookies or brownies Jones
2-3 dozen cookies or brownies
2-3 dozen cookies or brownie Biesingers
5gal jug of ice water Moore
2-3 dozen cookies or brownie Biesingers
5gal jug of ice water Moore
5 gal jug of ice water
BLACK 801-347-3258 Please call, text or email me with your chosen assignment!!!( i am always up!
Extra! Extra!
The Imaginative Arts blog is up and running!
Check it out while at the same time seeing the
inspirements for the month of September.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
L.A.: October Theme and Memorization!
Principle for the month: Idealism
Theme for the month: Freedom
How idealism can help preserve our freedom!
Scripture: James 1:25 - But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
Bury Me in a Free Land
By Frances W. E. Harper
Theme for the month: Freedom
How idealism can help preserve our freedom!
Scripture: James 1:25 - But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
Bury Me in a Free Land
By Frances W. E. Harper
- Make me a grave where'er you will,
- In a lowly plain, or a lofty hill;
- Make it among earth's humblest graves,
- But not in a land where men are slaves.
- I could not rest if around my grave
- I heard the steps of a trembling slave;
- His shadow above my silent tomb
- Would make it a place of fearful gloom.
- I could not rest if I heard the tread
- Of a coffle gang to the shambles led,
- And the mother's shriek of wild despair
- Rise like a curse on the trembling air.
- I could not sleep if I saw the lash
- Drinking her blood at each fearful gash,
- And I saw her babes torn from her breast,
- Like trembling doves from their parent nest.
- I'd shudder and start if I heard the bay
- Of bloodhounds seizing their human prey,
- And I heard the captive plead in vain
- As they bound afresh his galling chain.
- If I saw young girls from their mother's arms
- Bartered and sold for their youthful charms,
- My eye would flash with a mournful flame,
- My death-paled cheek grow red with shame.
- I would sleep, dear friends, where bloated might
- Can rob no man of his dearest right;
- My rest shall be calm in any grave
- Where none can call his brother a slave.
- I ask no monument, proud and high,
- To arrest the gaze of the passers-by;
- All that my yearning spirit craves,
- Is bury me not in a land of slaves
Friday, September 6, 2013
Family Social
You are invited to attend our
Barnes Park in Kaysville
(click on the link for a google map)
950 West 200 North
Kaysville, UT 84037
We will have a few family games, food and fun!!!
(watch for our potluck emails for food assignments!)
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Way to afford books for Vanguard
Hi everyone,
These are some ideas someone posted in another group about how to help families buy or get the books they need. I just thought I would post it here, in case it could help you. Use it if it does :)...
These are some ideas someone posted in another group about how to help families buy or get the books they need. I just thought I would post it here, in case it could help you. Use it if it does :)...
Ideas to Afford Books for Vanguard
- Start by praying that Heavenly Father will open a way and guide you how to get the books
- Library – Check early and put them on hold
- Buy used books online (Amazon or other used sites have them starting around $4 including shipping). On Amazon check the fine print under the regular price.
- E-books are often cheaper than paper books
- Take your book list to the DI or other thrift stores. If you see extra copies pick them up and offer the deal to others
- Sell pizza cards or another fund raiser that allows you to use the funds for education. Ashley Baird sells them from Papa Murphy’s. You can buy them for $1 and sell them for whatever price you want, like $7 or $10.
- Sign up for an Amazon credit card (and then you can cancel it later) – they give you an instant $50 of books free
- When there’s a choice of buying or using a free online book, choose the free one
- Have your teen get a part-time job to help earn money for books (paper route, bagging groceries)
- Put the word out using email or Facebook to family and friends to see if they have certain books that you can borrow
- Ask another family in Vanguard if you can share books – maybe switch books mid-week
- Sign up for Harmony Education or MyTechHigh or another “charter school” that helps with homeschool costs. Harmony gives $300-400 reimbursement per student plus other reimbursement for curricula, and a lending library.
- See if your husband can pick up a few extra hours at work
Marni Hall from the Kaysville Vanguard group offered another great website where she loves to find used books at great deals! - One more...
Book trading. I've been using this site for years and get a lot of my books this way. There are several of this year's books available for the taking.Here is the info about it...
All you have to do is create an account for FREE, list your books that you are ready to share, and send them out to other members when they are requested. Yes, you pay the postage to send your books out (between 2 and 3 dollars for an average-sized book), BUT you get a Book Credit for sending each book (each Book Credit is good for one book - you can order from any member in the club), AND when you request books for yourself, the senders pay the postage to send those books to you.
It costs nothing to participate, except for postage - there are no membership fees. You even get 2 startup Book Credits free if you are the first account at your household - you can use those credits to order 2 books for yourself, right away!
Give your books a better life - no more languishing on dusty bookshelves! Find new readers for them and get new books for yourself. Send a book, get a book. It's easy and it's free!
Jen is a good friend to let you in on this! If you do sign up, please use the following link:
If you use the link above to join and you become an active member, Jen will get a free Book Credit for referring you to the club!
For more information about PaperBackSwap, you can visit our Help Center by clicking the link below:
Best Regards,
The PaperBackSwap Team
Opening Family Social!
Hello Vanguard Families!
Our Family Social date has been changed, please note the new date and times. We will be having it on Saturday, September 14th. from 5-7 p.m.
This is for all Vanguard youth and their families to attend. It will be a great way for all our families to meet and have fun together!
We will be planning some getting to know you games, possibly fun family games, and having a potluck. All to be announced as we get closer to the 14th!
The reason for these changes, is we were all feeling a little rushed and overwhelmed with getting Vanguard up and running. We felt it important to slow this activity down, so we could all enjoy it!
As for now, I do need everyone to email me back with the following information;
Number of family members in your family.
If you have any food allergies, or preferences for the potluck.
Thank You
Melinda Gilbert~
Our Family Social date has been changed, please note the new date and times. We will be having it on Saturday, September 14th. from 5-7 p.m.
This is for all Vanguard youth and their families to attend. It will be a great way for all our families to meet and have fun together!
We will be planning some getting to know you games, possibly fun family games, and having a potluck. All to be announced as we get closer to the 14th!
The reason for these changes, is we were all feeling a little rushed and overwhelmed with getting Vanguard up and running. We felt it important to slow this activity down, so we could all enjoy it!
As for now, I do need everyone to email me back with the following information;
Number of family members in your family.
If you have any food allergies, or preferences for the potluck.
Thank You
Melinda Gilbert~
Song that goes with Civility
I heard this song just now, and thought it related to our Civility discussion for Journeyman:
That should be our CIVIL attitude: Need some help?
That should be our CIVIL attitude: Need some help?
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Master Class invite
You (Parents) and your Vanguard youth who are interested in joining Vanguard Master Class
are Cordially Invited to attend the first:
Master Class Vision
Saturday August 31, 2013
4:00-7:00 pm
Johnson home 3092 N 2400 E Layton UT
Dinner will be provided.
We will be discussing the following texts.
1) Read Autodidact’s Forward and Prologue
2) Read How to Think Like Leonardo DaVinci excerpt #1 (found of yahoo group files)
3) Read Just Like Jesus: A Heart Like His
4) Read
These texts will give an overview of the year for Master Class. Please refer to your Vanguard newsletter for
further inspirements to complete.
We look forward to an inspiring evening. Please
come prepared to share.
Julie Johnson and Mary Biesinger
Please RSVP to or 801-888-3860
are Cordially Invited to attend the first:
Master Class Vision
Saturday August 31, 2013
4:00-7:00 pm
Johnson home 3092 N 2400 E Layton UT
Dinner will be provided.
We will be discussing the following texts.
1) Read Autodidact’s Forward and Prologue
2) Read How to Think Like Leonardo DaVinci excerpt #1 (found of yahoo group files)
3) Read Just Like Jesus: A Heart Like His
4) Read
These texts will give an overview of the year for Master Class. Please refer to your Vanguard newsletter for
further inspirements to complete.
We look forward to an inspiring evening. Please
come prepared to share.
Julie Johnson and Mary Biesinger
Please RSVP to or 801-888-3860
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Master Class Book list
Texts for use throughout the year:
Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado
Getting Started with Latin: Beginning Latin for Homeschoolers and Self-Taught Students by William E. Linney
Secrets of Great Communicators by Jeff
Way to Be by Gordon B. Hinckley
Optional: (reference)
How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci by Michael Gelb
Write for College published by Write
September: Autodidactic by James W. Parkinson
October :Watership Down by Richard Adams
November: Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis
January: The Law by Bastiat, Common Sense by Thomas Paine..Online Articles
also avaliable on librivox
February: The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy
..avaliable online
also avaliable on librivox
March: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
also avaliable on librivox
April: The Choice by Og Mandino
Hey everyone!
Here's who all's on the committees:
Family Activities- There's an opening social coming up.
Abby, Aubrey, and Tova
Service and Temple- Temple trips once/month
Katrinn, Tova, and Kel
Outdoor- Headed by Mr. Biesinger
Karissa, Joseph B, Clancey, Tennessee, Kel, Drew, Tova, Aubrey, Abby, Maggie
History- Try to remember to bring cameras :)
Tova, David, Miriam, Kess, Melydi, Clancey
Game and Movie- Must be related :) to what we are talking about that month :)
Zach, Aubrey, Abby, Drew, Kel, Tova, Kess, Joseph R, Joseph B, Karissa, Clancey, Tennessee, Melydi
Here's who all's on the committees:
Family Activities- There's an opening social coming up.
Abby, Aubrey, and Tova
Service and Temple- Temple trips once/month
Katrinn, Tova, and Kel
Outdoor- Headed by Mr. Biesinger
Karissa, Joseph B, Clancey, Tennessee, Kel, Drew, Tova, Aubrey, Abby, Maggie
History- Try to remember to bring cameras :)
Tova, David, Miriam, Kess, Melydi, Clancey
Game and Movie- Must be related :) to what we are talking about that month :)
Zach, Aubrey, Abby, Drew, Kel, Tova, Kess, Joseph R, Joseph B, Karissa, Clancey, Tennessee, Melydi
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Schedule for August/September
Please check this weekly. We will include changes in schedule here and via the yahoo group. We will make phonecalls for changes of events that occur less than a week out. Thanks!
August 24th Vision Hike: Meet at Sister Biesinger's house 6 am with everything you need. (See post)
August 24th Parent Mentor Retreat: 3-5 at the Lisonbees. (See post)
August 28th 9:30-12:30 Vision Day II with lunch and elections afterward
August 31st: Youth and Parents interested in participating in Master Class this year are invited to a Master Class Vision Evening. The purpose of this evening is to give an overview of Master Class and inspiration to do the hard work in our lives to Become who Christ wants us to become. Dinner provided 4:00-7:00. Please RSVP to Mary Biesinger if you plan on attending. See link to see what you need to do in order to attend.
September 4: Leadership Academy Lens: see link on side for Inspirements
CORE class: 9:30-12:30
Lunch break for those in Journeyman...please pick up your youth if they are not participating by 12:30. Thanks! :)
Journeyman class: 1-3 pm, with Movie of "Akeelah and the Bee" right after for those in Journeyman who wish to participate.
September 6: MASTER CLASS for Week 2
September 11: Geo-Conquest Lens: see link on side for Inspirements
CORE class: 9:30-12:30
Lunch break for those in Journeyman...please pick up your youth if they are not participating by 12:30. Thanks! :)
Journeyman class: 1-3 pm
September 13: Temple Trip with the Tindalls! :) 6 am Bountiful Temple
MASTER CLASS for Week 3: see link on side for Inspirements
10:00-11:30 at Julie Johnson's house
4 pm meet at Presbyterian Church on Mountain Road in Fruit Heights (see post about Master Field trip for more info)
September 14: 8-9 am Parent Mentor Meeting
September 14: 4 pm Outdoor committee meeting at Barnes Park
September 14: 5-7 Vanguard Family Social! :) at Barnes Park
September 18: Eureka Lens: see link on side for Inspirements
CORE class: 9:30-12:30
Lunch break for those in Journeyman...please pick up your youth if they are not participating by 12:30. Thanks! :)
Journeyman class: 1-3 pm.
September 20: MASTER CLASS for Week 4: see link on side for Inspirements
September 25: Imaginative Arts Lens: see link on side for Inspirements
CORE class: 9:30-12:30
Lunch break for those in Journeyman...please pick up your youth if they are not participating by 12:30. Thanks! :)
Journeyman class: 1-3 pm.
September 27: MASTER CLASS for Week 1 of October: inspirements to come.
Game night TBA after organization of Game Committee!
August 24th Vision Hike: Meet at Sister Biesinger's house 6 am with everything you need. (See post)
August 24th Parent Mentor Retreat: 3-5 at the Lisonbees. (See post)
August 28th 9:30-12:30 Vision Day II with lunch and elections afterward
August 31st: Youth and Parents interested in participating in Master Class this year are invited to a Master Class Vision Evening. The purpose of this evening is to give an overview of Master Class and inspiration to do the hard work in our lives to Become who Christ wants us to become. Dinner provided 4:00-7:00. Please RSVP to Mary Biesinger if you plan on attending. See link to see what you need to do in order to attend.
September 4: Leadership Academy Lens: see link on side for Inspirements
CORE class: 9:30-12:30
Lunch break for those in Journeyman...please pick up your youth if they are not participating by 12:30. Thanks! :)
Journeyman class: 1-3 pm, with Movie of "Akeelah and the Bee" right after for those in Journeyman who wish to participate.
September 6: MASTER CLASS for Week 2
September 11: Geo-Conquest Lens: see link on side for Inspirements
CORE class: 9:30-12:30
Lunch break for those in Journeyman...please pick up your youth if they are not participating by 12:30. Thanks! :)
Journeyman class: 1-3 pm
September 13: Temple Trip with the Tindalls! :) 6 am Bountiful Temple
MASTER CLASS for Week 3: see link on side for Inspirements
10:00-11:30 at Julie Johnson's house
4 pm meet at Presbyterian Church on Mountain Road in Fruit Heights (see post about Master Field trip for more info)
September 14: 8-9 am Parent Mentor Meeting
September 14: 4 pm Outdoor committee meeting at Barnes Park
September 14: 5-7 Vanguard Family Social! :) at Barnes Park
September 18: Eureka Lens: see link on side for Inspirements
CORE class: 9:30-12:30
Lunch break for those in Journeyman...please pick up your youth if they are not participating by 12:30. Thanks! :)
Journeyman class: 1-3 pm.
September 20: MASTER CLASS for Week 4: see link on side for Inspirements
September 25: Imaginative Arts Lens: see link on side for Inspirements
CORE class: 9:30-12:30
Lunch break for those in Journeyman...please pick up your youth if they are not participating by 12:30. Thanks! :)
Journeyman class: 1-3 pm.
September 27: MASTER CLASS for Week 1 of October: inspirements to come.
Game night TBA after organization of Game Committee!
Vision Hike
Dear Vanguard Youth,
At the end of each summer we like to kick off the new school year with a Vision Hike. This hike is meant to provide an opportunity for you to get to know the new members of your Vanguard group, as well as to inspire you and help you get a vision of who you can become.
We will be meeting at 6am on Saturday, August 24th at the Biesinger home: 655 Sunset Dr. Kaysville. From there we will be driving through Salt Lake and up Parley's Canyon to hike to the top of Big Mountain. The trail we will be hiking is part of the route the early pioneers took as they came into Salt Lake Valley.
The hike is 5.2 miles and should take us around 4 hours. Please bring good, broken-in shoes, snacks, 2 quarts of water and a smile. Optional items: sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, camera, binoculars, insect repellant. In case of inclement weather: jacket, poncho. Please DON'T bring: electronic music devices/earbuds, electronic gaming equipment, assault rifles with high-capacity magazines, etc.
This hike is for the Vanguard Youth, but their parents are also welcome to attend. The end of summer is always full of activities- please make this one a priority.
Looking forward to meeting you,
Quinn Biesinger
At the end of each summer we like to kick off the new school year with a Vision Hike. This hike is meant to provide an opportunity for you to get to know the new members of your Vanguard group, as well as to inspire you and help you get a vision of who you can become.
We will be meeting at 6am on Saturday, August 24th at the Biesinger home: 655 Sunset Dr. Kaysville. From there we will be driving through Salt Lake and up Parley's Canyon to hike to the top of Big Mountain. The trail we will be hiking is part of the route the early pioneers took as they came into Salt Lake Valley.
The hike is 5.2 miles and should take us around 4 hours. Please bring good, broken-in shoes, snacks, 2 quarts of water and a smile. Optional items: sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, camera, binoculars, insect repellant. In case of inclement weather: jacket, poncho. Please DON'T bring: electronic music devices/earbuds, electronic gaming equipment, assault rifles with high-capacity magazines, etc.
This hike is for the Vanguard Youth, but their parents are also welcome to attend. The end of summer is always full of activities- please make this one a priority.
Looking forward to meeting you,
Quinn Biesinger
Inspirements for VISION DAY II
AUGUST 28TH: 9:30-12:30 (with lunch and elections afterward)
Read Section I of "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" and do at least one of the baby steps.
Bring your Tome, scriptures, and anything you wanted to show last week that you didn't get to.
Check out the Leadership link on the side to find the INSPIREMENTS for the next week, Week 1 of September.
See you then!
Read Section I of "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" and do at least one of the baby steps.
Bring your Tome, scriptures, and anything you wanted to show last week that you didn't get to.
Check out the Leadership link on the side to find the INSPIREMENTS for the next week, Week 1 of September.
See you then!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Parent -Mentor Retreat!
Please note! We
have shortened the meeting, and will simply open up the time after for
questions to cover individual questions and concerns. Please take the
time to attend, as people may ask questions you have not thought of yet
and an open forum is a far better place to get everyone on the same
page. Thanks!
First Annual Parent Mentor Retreat
for the
for the
K2 Vanguard Chapter!

The purpose of this event is to:
-help give Parents key resources and understanding
to better help their youth succeed this year
to better help their youth succeed this year
-vote on the proposed bylaws
-discuss relevant group issues like monthly mentor meetings
& possible younger Vanguard kids group
& possible younger Vanguard kids group
-review the schedule for the year
Please review the bylaws in the link above and make sure that
you agree with them, as we will be voting on them at the meeting.
you agree with them, as we will be voting on them at the meeting.
Could you also please read the following is the same thing
your youth are reading for their first day of class :)!
your youth are reading for their first day of class :)!
It will help us all be on the same page to understand how to help them.
We will be having this event on Saturday, August 24
from 3-5 pm, at the Lisonbee's house
4334 W 1700 South, Syracuse, UT
We look forward to seeing you there!
4334 W 1700 South, Syracuse, UT
We look forward to seeing you there!
#1 Read one or more of the following:
-Chapter 2 of "Increase in Learning" by David Bednar
-The article by Thomas S. Monson
-read about the scouting "Know, Commit, Practice" learning technique at
Monday, July 8, 2013
I vould like to velcome you to this blog (and this group).
Ve are excited for this school year in Vanguard, and for all of you to join us.
I vant to say....
Good Luck!
I vould like to velcome you to this blog (and this group).
Ve are excited for this school year in Vanguard, and for all of you to join us.
I vant to say....
Good Luck!
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