Let's start this year off with a bang! Woohoo!
I am so excited for this upcoming Vanguard year with all of you! We will be focusing on how to fight on God's side, where victory is sure. Our theme is:

We will kick-off our year with a Vision Hike, August 27th at 7 am (give or take an hour). Be there :). To borrow the words of a great man, "it will be epic."
To get you ready for our year, just a few things:
1-Art contest submissions...to me by July 31st!
2-Do your Summer Reading: Everyone read "Mysterious Benedict Society" this summer and come prepared to discuss it on our Opening Vision Day on August 27th from 10-3 pm. Think about how the youth in this book were different, but each of them were needed to fight evil. Also, look for what weapons they used in their battle.
Best of all, look for examples of our monthly themes in the book. See if you can find all seven in it!
If you don't recognize a word...do a word study :). (You can use it later.)
Go here for other inspirements for Vision Day!
Speaking of word studies! Some of you may ask, "what is a word study?" Great question! Others of you may say, "isn't that where you just write down a whole bunch of cool quotes?" Nope!

3-To help out with this and other "Vanguard skills" we are going to have a "Basic Training" at my house for all you newbies and anyone else who would like a chance to brush up on some of our Vanguard skills! Monday, August 25th from 10-12 pm. RSVP by August 15th so I know how many to plan for. It will be at my house.
4-Get your $40 per youth tuition into Monica Casselberry. You can contact her at muggasue@gmail.com for the best way for you to do that. Please get it in no later than August 2nd. She may also need to confirm your address and phone number, spelling etc. as she gets our tomes and membership scrolls ready for the new year. Thanks in advance for helping her with that promptly. :)
5- Remember our opening social! It will be FHE style, with lesson, games, and treats...and maybe even a little sharing of talents? Monday night, August 25th at 5 pm for potluck dinner...because then I get to eat some of Brenda's cooking :).
Parents, check out the tabs above... Books, schedules, positions of responsibility, oh my! We are trying to keep them updated for you so check them periodically to make sure you are up to speed.
Looking forward to a great year!
"The Title of Liberty:
Love it...defend it...maintain it!"
We will be examining truths, the tactics of the devil, skills and knowledge to keep you strong and patterns and examples in history and in the world around you to help you over come and fulfill your God-given missions with honor!We will kick-off our year with a Vision Hike, August 27th at 7 am (give or take an hour). Be there :). To borrow the words of a great man, "it will be epic."
To get you ready for our year, just a few things:
1-Art contest submissions...to me by July 31st!
2-Do your Summer Reading: Everyone read "Mysterious Benedict Society" this summer and come prepared to discuss it on our Opening Vision Day on August 27th from 10-3 pm. Think about how the youth in this book were different, but each of them were needed to fight evil. Also, look for what weapons they used in their battle.
If you don't recognize a word...do a word study :). (You can use it later.)
Go here for other inspirements for Vision Day!
Speaking of word studies! Some of you may ask, "what is a word study?" Great question! Others of you may say, "isn't that where you just write down a whole bunch of cool quotes?" Nope!
3-To help out with this and other "Vanguard skills" we are going to have a "Basic Training" at my house for all you newbies and anyone else who would like a chance to brush up on some of our Vanguard skills! Monday, August 25th from 10-12 pm. RSVP by August 15th so I know how many to plan for. It will be at my house.
4-Get your $40 per youth tuition into Monica Casselberry. You can contact her at muggasue@gmail.com for the best way for you to do that. Please get it in no later than August 2nd. She may also need to confirm your address and phone number, spelling etc. as she gets our tomes and membership scrolls ready for the new year. Thanks in advance for helping her with that promptly. :)
Parents, check out the tabs above... Books, schedules, positions of responsibility, oh my! We are trying to keep them updated for you so check them periodically to make sure you are up to speed.
Looking forward to a great year!